Tuesday, March 22, 2011


When interpolating profiles and sections. We have added a new tick box "remove redundant points" and a value box. If you tick this the software compares 3 points at a time. If the middle point is within the set perpendicular distance to the line joining pt 1 and 3 then this point is deleted. You then start again comparing the two points left and the next point along. However the software will not delete points at constant chainage along the profile. For points on a section, the centre point is not deleted and any points that are the result of string intersections.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sometimes first entry would always display as a STN shot even though it wasn't.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Bug introduced when adding in profile intersections. If you have deleted a profile alignment and you then subsequently go into the profile view window; then program can crash. Under Windows7 it doesn't fail.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Added in an option when interpolating profiles and sections. You now have the option ofexcluding triangle intersections when also getting intersections with displayed strings. Look for tick box "String Intersections (No Triangle Intersections)".

Also if not doing side headings when plotting sections, then Datum is now displayed.

Friday, March 4, 2011


When creating combined surface from natural and design surface. Some of the natural points under design surface could be inadvertantly included in the combined surface. Only happens when data is gridded.