Wednesday, April 13, 2011


When creating a new level sheet the program would often hang. This has been fixed.


When doing a join if the mouse click was within 5 pixels the point is selected; otherwise the screen coordinates are given. We have increased this to 8 pixels.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Feature code library - if a database point was shorter than code library entry it could get inadvertantly used.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Cross section plotting.

  • Design templates are now cut off at the limits.

  • vertical boxing line now drawn at the lilits

  • you can force section to display right to offset limits even if data doesn't go that far. Makes all sections the same width on plot.

Feature coding - nullify option just added had a problem. Fixed.

Monday, April 4, 2011


We have added in a new column into feature coding called "nullify height". This sets the height to null for any appropriate points. A are you sure message box is displayed before heights are changed. This is for when you pick up a number of feature points, but are not interested in the height. In fact the height gets in the way.