Friday, November 5, 2021


When importing an ags file, Ezigrade was not implementing comment lines properly. Now fixed.

Friday, October 29, 2021


If you were importing a Topcon pt3 file then Ezigrade was not automatically changing data in the import file into local feet or survey feet. The Fields -> Strings To Links has been improved. It now checks for duplicate links etc and fix's things up.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Import of 3D faces from DWG/DXF has been improved. Copying and pasting triangles between jobs has been improved.

Friday, October 15, 2021


Implementation of Trimble SVL import. You can now import a SVD and SVL format file from Trimble. Allowing you to export to Trimble FMX, Topcon AG3 via tn3 file, levelguide etc

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Smoothing has been improved close to field section edges.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Beta version of importing Trimble SVD file. This is Trimble Civil machine control file that contains the design surface. We still need to import the boundary string that it contains.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Streamlined the licensing options. Now run in a separate thread, and changed the order we are testing things. We also have some feedback so users know what is happening.

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Improvements to the outlet routines. We have added in a new constraint to set minimum depth. Handy to stop outlets going above the surface. We have also added in an option to display sections along the outlet. Click on Measure -> Outlet and we get a new window. It is handy at this point to do a Window -> Tile Horizontal Updated maual and video coming shortly.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Speed improvement when redrawing the screen. The selection process has improved. Now when left clicking on the screen we prioritize point selection to be last. So larger units like strings, text are selected first. We often would try to select a string but a point would be selected first. Lot selection has improved.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Problem importing levelguide path file in the northern hemisphere. Now fixed.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Points that had been marked as "design height in combined" were not being displayed in the plan view.

Importing LandXML. The survey option could fail.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Tweaks to avoid infeasible solutions could make things worse! Did some further tweaks and untweaks.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 Have fixed the numbering scheme so it corresponds to the version of Ezigrade.

Tweaked some of the parameters used when doing triangles based grading to reduce occurrences of infeasible solutions.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.48 & CDS

When exporting the job to google earth. CDS and Ezigrade now export a closed string as a KML polygon. If you do the export from CDS then it will also fill the polygon with the appropriate fill color.

In CDS if you have any strings selected; then only selected strings are exported.(This was broken in a previous update)

Friday, July 16, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.48

 You can now view the current Latitude/Longitude position in either decimal degrees or degrees minutes and seconds or the existing eastings and northings when you move the mouse in plan view. Look in the status bar towards the bottom right. You need to have setup the current geoid under the menu File -> Geoid. To set the units displayed look under the Measure menu and you will see the new options for  "East-North, Dec LatLon, DMS LatLon"

The "Bing maps" background could have had an offset error. This has been fixed.


 Jobs imported into CDS from Ezigrade would often come in as feet. Even though they were in meters back in Ezigrade. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 Contour height annotation was not working. Now fixed.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.47

 In the PDF report the main bearing and cross grading were labelled as degrees but were put out as degrees minutes seconds. We now put out both dec degrees and dms


Export to Google Earth - more export options and export has been brought under the main export menu rather than hidden a couple of layers down.

Variable Ascii - now allows space, ";", etc and any defined character as the delimiting character. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 Fix ups of short line / short arc.

CDS3 now remembers which point attributes are displayed and the current zoom position. When the program is restarted these values are used for the initial view.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Ezicad 4.1.46

 We have included functionality to allow the design of pipe networks or Tile Drainage. Design the network in both plan and profile. Price your network with exported CSV and export shape or Trimble FieldLevel.xml file to create your design in the field.

Create a blended design that includes surface levelling, surface ditch's as well as Tile drainage 

This is still in Beta - so please give us some feedback

Ezigrade 4.1.45

 It was possible to create multiple copies of attributes in the background. Everything still works, just that data has redundant data, hence larger than it needs to be.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


CDS was only displaying attribute data to 3 decimal places. Have increased this to 8 decimal places. Needed to extract Latitude and Longitude data.

Ezigrade 4.1.44

When importing Agform-3D data then we could get duplicate point numbers. Everything still worked so this is a tidy up update only.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.43

Reports -> PDF could fail with plane sections. Now fixed.

Monday, February 15, 2021


There was a bug in the Carlson TIN import routine. This is a non published format. If you have any additional issue's with this menu item then please do not hesitate to send us your Carlson TIN file.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.42

Have added in a new docking window on left that contains warnings and messages etc. For example if there is an issue with breaklines then nag messages go into the side message box and don't interrupt our workflow. We can go back and check messages etc.

Left clicking in section view to select went missing for a couple of updates.

Friday, January 29, 2021


CDS3 was failing when registering software for users that didn't have admin access. You are now prompted manually for a site-key.

Cogo -> chainage and offset calcs. When doing calcs between 2 points the results were wrong for 3rd and subsequent chainage/offset calculations. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.41

When running drainage volume and job in meters. Ezigrade was reporting volumes in yards**3 - fixed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.40

We have uploaded two new videos to on new drain features

or search on for Ezigrade

Ezigrade 4.1.40

Drains _ 

You can now use "stop banks" to control where the bank batter intersects the surface. Design the bank as always. Click in some stop banks and the batters will stop at the stop bank as long as they are within the drain corridor. ie you can lengthen and shorten the batters:

ezigrade 4.1.40


Ability to try and balance cut and fill at each section. This cuts down on the amount of dirt needed to be moved along the drain.

We have added in a new drain batter type called variable. This lets the drain batter or batter length vary between preset limits. The appropriate values are used by Ezigrade to balance cut and fill at each drainage section. Click on variable button and click on grades to fill in the table. Do for left and right templates.

Ezigrade 4.1.40

drains again:
In the profile section we have added in a function to raise and lower the design a preset amount.
We have also added in a button called "Balance" that makes sure the cut and the fill balances for the design. It takes into account the cut/fill ratio.
We have also added in some edit box's showing the volume as a guide when doing the profile design.

Ezigrade 4.1.40

More drains:

We need to be able to see how the volume is distributed along the bank so that we can plan the earth movement. We now have an option to create a mass-haulage diagram. Click on
Drain -> Volume
and you will see the option to create a pdf showing mass/haulage.

We also have an option to create a csv for excel showing areas and progressive volumes.


Ezigrade 4.1.40

Upgrades to contour banks and drains section.

(1) When designing it is a big help to be able to see a cross section through the drain/bank. You want to be able to see this while you are still designing. We now have a section view that you can move along a bank while designing:  Click on  
Measure -> Drain to see the section view
Window -> Tile Horizontal

Monday, January 18, 2021

Ezigrade 4.1.39

Have added in "Haulage Distance" into the PDF report.