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Wednesday, November 16, 2016


PDF Report:
Have added some extra functionality to the PDF report.

  • You can add in user defined text at the start. It can contain anything that you want. 
  • Have given user the option of displaying screen capture for natural/design/difference as either 1 or 2 screen grabs per page.
We have also added in an "AGD" export. Useful for getting your job into TerraCutta.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Have made the following improvements / bug fix's.

  1. Ability to pick up the current surface as a design along a profile. You would use the following. First get a string and interpolate a profile and sections along it. In Profile View right click and select the option "Design From Surface". Make sure you have the appropriate surface displayed. The design will be created on the active design.
  2. Fixed issue when importing KML files. Coordinates which included heights were picking up the lat and lon in the wrong order.
  3. if selecting things by polygon you needed to hit enter then escape to cancel. Now only need to hit escape.
  4. Unicode LandXML files will now import.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Added in Constrained Points.

We have added in the ability to add in a point or a series of points that we call a "constrained point". This forces our design to warp the surface so the height on our graded surface match's the fixed height of this point. There are numerous uses's for this function. For example we can add some points along the edge of the job that match the edge of a designed drain. Our field will now match.

In the example below the design on the left is what we have with no constrained point. We have shown it's position as a reference. The design on the right is with a constrained point. You will notice that the contours are warped around the right edge to match the constrained point.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


  • When autocreating surfaces and contours. Program now uses contour intervals appropriate to the data range of the points in the job
  • When File - Open - types of files Farmscan  *.path ; import was not working - now fixed.
  • Broke Licence dialog on last update