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Friday, October 11, 2024


With large pdf reports the summary page didn't extend over more than one page. Now fixed. Also no limit now on the number of setcions that can be reported.

Monday, September 30, 2024


Added in smarter text editting facilities to CDS. Click on entered text and you now have three grip points for move, rotate and scale.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


Ezigrade, when designing a pipe profile. The pipe profile view is now created as a dockable window. What this means is that you can grab the window and drag the view to your second monitor.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Couple of extra's in Ezigrade Tile Drainage - Pipe stuff. (1) We have added in a new constraint. We can now define a minimum pipe offset. Previously this was zero. Specifying a value here means that for example a lateral is allways a minimum value above the submain or main at the lateral outlet. Simply leave off if you want the old method. (2) We have added in a routine to add in a new node along a pipe. Select the pipe first and then from the pipe menu click on the "add node" menu item and click in the position of the new node. For example if you wanted a more curved section then click in a new point before and after an existing node. Then drag the existing node to match the curve.

Friday, July 12, 2024


When grading sections hinged together. Ezigrade will now make sure the cut/fill ratio and any dirt imported or exported is correct for each section. Previously imported / exported dirt was calculated as a single value over all the hinged sections. (Hope this makes sense!)


Couple of improvements to the outlet routines: (1) If you set the inlet height of the outlet it now disables min and max grades in that area so you can get a smooth join between the outlet and the surface. (2) Outlets now join together. There is no limit to the number of nested outlets. Look at FAQ's under support menu for more details.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


We have added in a menu item to save a pipe network as strings. Helpfull for exporting a pipe network to acad and similar.