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Friday, July 12, 2024


When grading sections hinged together. Ezigrade will now make sure the cut/fill ratio and any dirt imported or exported is correct for each section. Previously imported / exported dirt was calculated as a single value over all the hinged sections. (Hope this makes sense!)


Couple of improvements to the outlet routines: (1) If you set the inlet height of the outlet it now disables min and max grades in that area so you can get a smooth join between the outlet and the surface. (2) Outlets now join together. There is no limit to the number of nested outlets. Look at FAQ's under support menu for more details.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


We have added in a menu item to save a pipe network as strings. Helpfull for exporting a pipe network to acad and similar.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


We have implemented a routine to import LAZ files directly. View the LAZ and import into Ezigrade. Coming to CDS shortly.

Friday, April 5, 2024


Two changes to the the Ezigrade pipe module. When calculating catchment areas we now ignore water that is more than twice the catchment width from the pipe. There was also a bug in the Trim -> perpendicular line. The spacing was getting skinnier.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Added a new function to convert State Plane coordinates to UTM coordinates.

Friday, February 9, 2024


Updates to sreamline the design of pipe networks. New features include When extending pipes we can now extend the pipe so it intersects the extending line perpendicular. Ability to draw in a pipe along an arc When copying pipes along a main we have some extra functions.As well as a simple displacement we can now create parallel lines and also draw 'knuckles' to give extra control. Now can design pipe layout in acad or similar and we can import this into Ezigrade. Extra videos and tutorials are coming soon to show how to use these new features.