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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


CDS now has an option to insert cutting symbols. These are used to show cut and fill batters between strings.
Run from "Entry - Symbol - Insert Cutting Symbol". Select the from string, to string, distance between symbols and the symbol name.
When running make sure the dwg symbol used starts at (0,0) and top of symbol is at (0,1.0). We have included the symbol lollypop.dwg as an example.
To use the symbol you may need to check it is included in the symbol library. Go to entry - symbol - symbol library and hit reread.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Online help now available at

Points slightly outside current section were having design heights set; that could leave messy looking design contours.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ezigrade - Partial Grading

Ezigrade now includes an option to help fix up drainage issues. Rather than fitting a plane of best there is an option that allows user to optionally specify min and maximum grades along user defined axis. You can also specify a smoothing value.

This option will also work on an individual section with the field.

This option fix's drainage issues, helps to reduce cut and fill volumes and help alleviate deep cut or fill values that disturbs topsoil. It also helps save land grading costs.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Quality assurance routine to "Check Breaklines" was sometimes ignoring lines. This has been fixed.

Prolog 4.1.47

Have added in an option to create separate legend file for A4 plots as a dwg. You need to have the create separate legend file option selected and need to be creating an A4 plot.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


12D import - "Super Alignment" fix. Reads in both horizontal and vertical design.