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Tuesday, July 30, 2019


We have added in a structure called an "Outlet". This is a simplified drain used in conjunction with the AllWay grading. You can simply sketch it in; fill in a minimal number of parameters and the grading algorithm optimises the solution taking into account the outlet or outlets.

For more details look at our online manual.

Friday, July 5, 2019


When exporting job to dwg/dxf and doing by "layer with point". Now separate entities such as heights, codes etc go on there own layer  "heights_layer", "code_layer" etc. This makes it easier in Acad to be able to read height value, code value etc when points are fairly dense.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Have added in a "stop bank". When running Allway grading - it stops the water flowing out along this edge of the triangles. All relevant points need to be included. Under the Grading menu you can see the "Allway Stop" menu item. You draw in the line and are prompted for a width.

On left of the job you can see the red polyline which has a width. Any triangle edges within the "stop bank" will act as a stop to water. Without this the allway grading flows out west at this point. With "stop bank" we have:


The QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) has been updated so that user can customise it.

Look towards the right hand end and you will see the customisation icon. Click on this and you can add and remove any of the commands contained within the menu's.

After adding a couple of separators and a Trimble import and export, and the triangle based grading we can get the following:

You will see the extra commands. This will be remembered after you restart Ezigrade.