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Thursday, November 28, 2019


We have added in a function to allow you to display one or more background images from "Bing Maps".

Look under Tools -> Background. You can have more than one background image. To set the extents of the image zoom the appropriate part of the screen you want an image. We suggest you normally just do a default extents and use this as a guide.


Miscellaneous updates:

  • You can set Geoid parameters once and these values are subsequently used in the appropriate dialogs such as export->Google Earth, Export->Trimble Machine etc. Look under File -> Geoid to enter appropriate values, UTM, State Plane etc
  • Improvement in Import -> AG3. We can now pickup Latitude/Longitude from AG3 file
  • Bug in Grading, Triangulation etc after we delete and add in a new surface

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Point -> Scale function. We have added in preset scales such as meters -> survey feet, international feet -> survey feet etc and also give the option of scaling the height as well.

Have added in new point -> Select -> Select By Range. You can now select fixed points, non contourable points etc

Friday, November 22, 2019


Roadworks - sections - modify left or right intersection.

These values were lost after saving points into the database.