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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ezigrade 2.0.49

Ezigrade now includes the option to put out strings to the Trimble Field level II controller. This is handy for Civil Engineering type as you can see on the screen edge of drains, edge of roads, ring tanks etc. At present can't put out both strings and section edges together - maybe next update. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ezigrade 2.0.48

When moving a node where sections intersect the section edge heights are updated automatically when you move the node and associated section edges.

Have added in the following features to display both main grade and cross grade.
  • When moving the cursor the main grade and cross grade is displayed in status pane in lower right.
  • The contour parameters - surface colors now has options to shade the grades with respect to either the main grade or the cross grade.
When displaying the job in CDS2 the triangles are displayed as by color. The color being set in Ezigrade. This is because CDS doesn't know about grades and cross grades. Update CDS2 from members page as well.

When displaying grades the surface colors dialog puts in more appropriate default grades.

The picture below shows the cross grades.